Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Introduction Updated 1/24/10

This blog documents my experiences with the synchronistic appearance of a pattern of numbers that seem to point to the Mayan calendar end date of 12/21/2012. The examples I provide here will show how persistent and precise this pattern has shown up in my life. I will also share relevant stories of events which are cases of “high strangeness” where I am synchronistically given clues that seem to point directly to the Galactic Alignment on 12/21/2012.

It as if a message has been coming to me from an undefinable “source” in very unique and unusual ways. I honestly don’t know what that message is yet, but there is no question that something authentic is being revealed in an apparently intentional and purposeful way. (If you want to skip the number synchronicity stories and get to the core of the matter pertaining to 12/21/2012 go to post titled :

After a lifetime of “high strangeness” I can make three definite conclusions:

1) Reality is not only stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.
2) Synchronicity is creations way of revealing the interconnectedness of all things.
3) Only in the mind does the inseparable become separate.

Stay tuned for updates and links to new upcoming Blogs

Please stay tuned for updates!


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