Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As "coincidence" would have it

I am very curious about how pertinent information seems to manifest in areas that I happen to be looking at. In the posts that follow, note the references that point to the same part of the sky as the Cosmic Center. The Cosmic Center is very significant to me and I will share more on this later.

First it was the radio show, then Maya Cosmogenisis 2012. Then, around this same time I was reviewing The Toltec Prophesies of don Miguel Ruiz by Mary Carrol Nelson and I found:

“In modern science, everything that exists in the world is energy. Light is energy, and everything, at its root, is light. In the Toltec tradition, the information carried by the light is called the silent knowledge, and all of us are vessels of the light. The primary source of all information is at the center of the universe. In our region of the universe, this source is at the center or the milky way, our own galaxy. Locally, our source is the sun.”

This becomes very significant to me as you will soon see!

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